תמ"י - תובלה משטרת ישראל

by Shift Live LTD

Maps & Navigation


Do you use the transportation services that the business provides you?The Shift application is designed to connect providers and recipients of shuttle services.traveling? The days of waiting at the pickup station hoping that the driver will arrive in a moment are over.Relaxing on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee and receiving a notification about the time of departure to the collection point in real time and all on a mapdrivers? All route details - passengers, pickup times, addresses and phone numbers - in the palm of your hand.Get a notification to set off and navigate to your destination. We will already inform the passenger that you have arrived.Bus drivers? Stay connected every momentView all route details and contact the contacts associated with the route directly from the application,View the drivers location in real time and receive notifications about delays and changes.Check if your business is helped by the service - 0533520290More about Shift: https://www.shiftlive.net/We are on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/shiftlive.net